Software Apps

Software applications that help you increase efficiency and cut costs. Fast, reliable and secure software programs.

Software Development - custom software - logo
Program software service - logo

Service - planning and tracking

Partners, equipment, installed base, tickets, work orders, reports.

Management documente si proiecte - logo

Document & Project Management

Documents are a natural extension of the activities carried out to complete the projects. A simple solution for information management.

Document Management - KeyDoc - logo

Document Management

A software program that focuses on the basics of document management, with added benefits. Optional workflow module.

Registrul electronic de intari iesiri - logo

In-Out Document Register

Any document can be added to the Electronic Register of Inputs - Outputs. It will receive a self-generated registration number as well as additional attributes.

Fluxuri - KeySoft - logo

Workflows Module

Whether we like it or not, a minimal set of procedures must be implemented to optimize the activity. Easy to say ...

There are some issues. First, the procedure must be designed - this is the most complicated part. Then, that procedure must be popularized, brought to the attention of employees. It must also be respected.

The flow module helps you graphically define procedures. In order to be notified and respected, it is enough for the employee to know where to find the menu entry to start a workflow.

Hai sa ne sfatuim - Contact

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